Jazz, Seaweed and Scottish Culture: OJKOS Does Martin Lee Thomson

Every month OJKOS premiere a new piece of music written by one of their members. In march I got to see them at Victoria Nasjonal Jazzscene in Oslo to perform Martin Lee Thomson’s new composition Fraileach, a beautiful exploration of humanity and seaweed, as well as their intertwinings.

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The Sims: Legacy Collection – nostalgi selger fortsatt

Sul Sul! The Sims og The Sims 2 er tilbake – denne gangen i en nyoppusset Legacy-pakke. I januar i år fylte spillselskapet EA’s Sims-franchise 25 år, og for å markere jubileet har de relansert de to klassiske spillene for moderne systemer. Gleden var stor blant fansen, men som alltid når EA er involvert, har ikke nyheten kommet uten en del diskusjon.

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Teateranbefaling: Arven må videreføres

Er du villig til å vie en helaften til kulturen? Da burde du ta turen ned til Nationaltheatret for å få med deg stykket Arven, en sceneopptreden litt utenom det vanlige.

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The Game Awards 2024: Det beste av året og hva som kommer

Nå nærmer det seg slutten for 2024 og nok en gang har The Game Awards (TGA) gått av stabelen i Los Angeles, nå for tiende året på rad. Som med alle prisutdelinger har TGA kunnet by på både jubel og skuffelser, men også noen overraskelser. Jeg ser nærmere på hva som har blitt kåret, hvem som har blitt såret og tilmed hva som er nytt i det kommende året.

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Ildar Wafin on Art, Identity, and Inspiration

At the beginning of November I travelled to Helsinki, Finland to meet with Ildar Wafin, a jewellery designer that recently won “New Talent” in the Finnish Fashion Awards. Wafin connects his Tatar Identity and Finnish nature in his designs. In this interview we talk about what inspires him, his history in making jewellery, and what he hopes people will take away from wearing his creations.

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Tegner sin egen vei: L-innsikt om kreativitet og viralitet

Linn Isabel Eielsen (24) fra Haugesund er tegneserieskaperen bak serien L-innsikt og er aktuell med boken Alene hjemmefra. Med en sterk tilstedeværelse på sosiale medier, har Linn funnet kreative måter å nå ut til sitt publikum. Jeg tok en prat med henne om tegneserien, boken og hvordan hun bruker digitale plattformer for å markedsføre arbeidet sitt.

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Where Art and Technology Meet: "Oslo, Home of the Spray Can" Exhibition

“Did you know the spray can was invented in Oslo?” reads a large sign at the entrance of Oslo Science Park, inviting visitors to explore an exhibition on the history of the spray can and street art. In this article, I’ll share my thoughts on the exhibition and include some photos, just in case you couldn’t make it!

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Video games have redefined how I experience storytelling

At a community summit regarding the future of Destiny 2, one of the creators said they were considering shifting towards video essays about narratively focused games. To emphasize this, they said that “games are the best medium to experience great stories”. This quote has been on my mind ever since, because I agree with them.

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On Pause: Going Dating App Dry

After a groundbreaking lawsuit against Match was filed this past Valentine's Day, our usage of and dependency on dating apps has found itself in flux. Yesterday it felt like we were singing the praises of the relative ease in digitally connecting strangers for pleasurable pursuits. How did we get here?

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"May the Patron Saint of Nudes always smile upon you": Katrin Tiidenberg on Pleasure, Pain and Politics

Professor of Participatory Culture at Tallinn University and Professor II at IMK, Katrin Tiidenberg, hosted a talk in november called: Pleasure, Pain and Politics - Let’s Talk About Sex On Social Media. Based on findings from her book Sex & Social Media, Tiidenberg discussed how social media platforms both afford certain behaviour and moderate us.

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Unveiling Shadows: Chinese Horror Beneath the Red Veil

Red, a vibrant hue synonymous with warmth and happiness, transcends cultural boundaries. In the West, Santa Claus embodies the festive spirit associated with this color. Similarly, in China, red takes center stage during traditional festivals where red envelopes embody good fortune. However, the recent surge of inspiration drawn from Chinese folklore in horror games has transformed the color into a vessel for the supernatural.

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Harmfulle algoritmer: baksiden av hyperpersonalisert innhold

Som verdens mest nedlastede app er TikTok blitt svært populær, særlig blant barn og unge. Appens algoritme anbefaler deg innhold den tror du vil like, basert på hva du har vist interesse for tidligere. Problemet oppstår når sosiale mediers algoritmer begynner å anbefale unge og sårbare grupper skadelig innhold.

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