I am very on the fence about whether or not Mangold’s newest biopic A Complete Unknown (2024) is a political movie or not. Let me explain why.
Les merThe film “The Apprentice” is the story of the making of Donald J. Trump. It’s a story of the student becoming the master—or in our case—the leader of the free world. The film invites us on Trumps journey from a young man eager to find his place in the world, to a business tyrant as he begins to resemble the Trump we know today.
Les merFuckings bygda er klar for kinosalene i dag, 19. april! Filmen har allerede vunnet to publikumspriser på filmfestivalene Oslo Fusion og Oslo Pix. Vi har tatt en prat med damene bak grasrotprosjektet som ble til spillefilm.
Les merAndrew Haigh’s newest film, All of Us Strangers (2023) is a passionate and powerful hymn to love triumphant – and a visually stunning story about the inescapable loneliness of human life.
Les merI thought I’d throw my hat in the ring to write about the importance of Barry Keoghan’s graveyard performance... He didn't have to do that. Except that he did.
Les merI det siste har store selskaper produsert nye filmer og serier, men mange av dem er reboots eller nyinnspilling av noe som allerede eksisterer. Er dette fordi nostalgi selger, eller har vi gått tomme for ideer?
Les merI’ll admit that historically I’ve been a bit of a baby when it comes to horror, but I couldn’t resist the temptation of dipping my toes further into the genre when the Norsk Filmklubbforbund (Norwegian Federation of Film Societies - NFK) announced its annual film seminar theme would indeed be that.
Les merIf you ask anyone in China if they know who Chun Yuan is, they will immediately tell you all they know about her. This is how popular tv-series “Empresses in the Palace” is, and Chun Yuan is not even the female lead. “Empresses in the Palace,” also known as “The Legend of Zhen Huan”, has captivated audiences in China for over a decade.
Les merAs I’m scrolling through the website for my local movie theater, looking through the selection of upcoming movies, I notice the poster for a movie named BlackBerry. “As in the smartphone brand?” I wonder. And it is, indeed, a film about the story behind the now shut-down brand that once ruled the smartphone market. It’s October, and we have officially gotten our fourth movie of the year centered around the history of a big corporation.
Les merDissecting Barbie's Metamodernist Journey: How Does Gerwig's Massive Commercial Success Engage with Postfeminist Neoliberalism, Consumerist Culture, and the Contradictions of a Capitalist Spectacle? Or How to Mansplain Barbie in 2000 Words.
Les merReturning to Oslo for the third time on October 11-15, 2023, MIRAGE is an international film festival that celebrates “the art of the real.” Racha Helen Larsen, Festival & Program Director, elaborates on what this philosophy entails and how it is reflected on this year’s program.
Les merSpillmediet er en stor mediebransje som bare fortsetter å vokse med tiden som går. Med det kommer det utrolig gode historier og opplevelser, som en gjerne vil dele med andre både i og utenfor spillmediet. Gjennom årene har vi sett mange forsøk på å utvide en spillserie til andre medier som tv og film, med noen som har vært ganske bra, noen som har vært helt ålreit, og noen som ikke har gått så bra.
Les merOslo Short Film Festival offered more than a dozen colourfully different stories, varying both in origin country, language, and mood. PRESSET. writers Matilda Forss and Arina Kosareva attended and explored the journey of the nineteen carefully-curated short films.
Les merThe Oslo Short Film Festival 2023, taking place on August 31-September 1 at Oslo’s Sentralen, explores human vulnerability and multiple ways one can interact with the world. PRESSET. talked to Apostolia Katsiantridou, the Head of Program for the OSFF, about what else to expect from the Festival’s official selection.
Les merCo-organized by the “Screen Cultures” MA program at the University of Oslo and the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies, this years’ NECS was one of the largest academic events in media and film studies in Europe. Because of COVID-19, the preparation for it took nearly 3 years — but the result was 100% worth it. Here is how the one-week Conference in Oslo hosting more than 400 scholars from all over the globe came to be.
Les merEtter ett år med mye etterlengtet oppussing er Cinemateket åpnet igjen – som et friskt pust i Dronningens gate.
Les merDet at lineær-TV dør ut har vært en mye omdiskutert sak. Før i tida måtte man finne seg i å se på hva enn som var pre-programmert til å dukke opp på skjermen, og i beste fall kunne man da bytte kanal for å se om den neste hadde noe bedre å tilby. Et verre helvete har jeg aldri hørt om?
Les merCate Blanchett plays an orchestra conductor called Lydia Tár in Todd Field’s newest movie ‘Tár’. Lydia’s fame and power, in a bone chilling way, starts to unravel and unhinge. She is an absolute psychopath – so why can’t I stop thinking about her?
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