Det kan virke som at Hollywood prioriterer remakes og sequels over nye originale ideer, nå mer enn noensinne. Dette gjelder også innen skrekkfilmsjangeren. Gamle franchiser får stadig den ene nye filmen etter den andre. Er det ikke på tide at vi får noen flere nye, originale skrekkfilmfranchiser snart?
Les merArctic Film Festival is the first and the only northernmost independent international film festival on the planet. Established in 2019 to raise awareness about climate change, it has since then been held in Svalbard’s Longyearbyen – the largest town of the archipelago. On May 13, 2023, the Festival returns there once again, with a carefully curated selection of independent short and feature fiction films and documentaries from all over the world. Apostolia Katsiantridou, the Head of Program for the AFF for the last 3 editions, talked with PRESSET. about the Festival’s history, mission, and nuanced relationship with nature.
Les merPeter Weir’s ‘Truman Show’, Samuel Becketts play ‘Waiting for Godot’, and Daniel Scheinert and Dan Kwan’s ‘Everything Everywhere All At Once’ all ask, and in my opinion, answer that true existentialist mystery – what makes life worth living?
Les merThis past week, I sat down with Hannah Hasseløy and Jakob Skrede Langedal, who facilitate the Vega Filmklubb. The club consists of thirty people who curate a film programme for the public every autumn and spring semester. Screenings are open to everyone, and membership costs 25 NOK per semester, with an additional 50 NOK per screening. That’s quite the bang for your buck! Continue reading to hear more about this season’s programming and the group’s plans for the future.
Les merThe 95th Academy Awards ceremony was a blast, with eclectic, extravagant, quite perplexing absurdist comedy/drama Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) scoring 7 wins, including in the “Best Picture” category. Written and directed by the duo of “Daniels” aka Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, this film is as far from “Oscar bait” as it can be. Michelle Yeoh’s historic — first Asian actress to have won an Oscar in the “Best Actress” nomination — golden statuette is yet another clear signal of the long-awaited cinematographic tectonic shift. The Oscars are — finally! — changing. But are they?
Les merAfter a three-year COVID-induced break, the Oslo Film Festival finally returned to Norway’s capital with an exceptional selection of independent films from all over the world. Held for two weekday evenings in a row in what once was a bank vault (!), the event gathered quite a diverse and international crowd, which chimed nicely with one of its principal themes – an everlasting fascination with multiculturalism and the controversiality of the daily.
Les merInherently Freudian, Anne Rice’s gothic novels about tantalizing and yet excruciatingly isolated creatures have always been loved and cherished by LGBTQ+ community — first and foremost for their powerful allegoric potential. AMC’s Interview with the Vampire picks up on these notions and is followed by Mayfair Witches, forming a solid premise for Anne Rice’s Immortal Universe.
Les merJeg hopper på banen mot Vega Scene for å få med meg den Sør Koreanske filmfestivalen klokka ti denne lørdagen. I regi av Norsk Filmklubbforbund skal en gjeng filminteresserte folk lære seg om alt innen den stadig voksende koreanske filmverdenen. Det blir feil å si at filmer herfra har begynt å bli populære, for det har de vært i lang tid. Det er først de seneste årene at resten av verden og “mainstream cinema” virkelig har åpnet øynene.
Les merOn November 5th and 6th, Norsk Filmklubbforbund held their annual film seminar at Vega scene, a weekend packed with screenings and talks from visiting experts. This year’s theme was South Korean cinema, and I had the pleasure to sit down with Darcy to chat a bit about his work and the current landscape of Korean cinema.
Les merNine venues, international guests, a hand-picked collection of films from all over the world — the 2022 program of the MIRAGE film festival in Oslo is, no doubt, a delight for all cinema lovers. The opening night at SALT Art & Music on October 12, though, offered a truly unique experience, with mesmerizing live music and excitement of jumping into cold water after watching shorts in a sauna (Yes!).
Les merMarin Alsop is the first female conductor to run world famous orchestras on three continents: North and South Americas and Europe. The Conductor (2021), brought to Norway by Oslo/Fusion Film Festival, follows Alsop’s professional and personal life, proving that there is nothing a woman can’t do—especially if she is told so.
Les merOslo/Fusion International Film Festival, “Norway's only film festival dedicated to stories of, by and for the LGBTQIA2S+ / QTIBIPOC community” (courtesy of the festival’s mandate on FilmFreeway), took over several locations across the city from September 23-30th and offered a bevy of entertaining and thought-provoking works to the public.
Les merWhy I Dance (2021) er en dansedokumentar regissert av Andreas Strand Renberg med koreografi av Louis Clément da Costa. Den tar for seg hva det betyr for en sammensatt gruppe rwandiske dansere å uttrykke seg gjennom den fysiske kunstformen. Men uten en klar visjon for dokumentarens innhold, hva slags historie er det filmen ender opp med å fortelle?
Les merIn episode 8, Atlanta follows Alfred, AKA Paper Boi, into an overwhelming hallucinogenic induced Dantean trip that pushes the rapper to ponder on vital questions concerning the future of his career. Spoilers ahead!
Les merDu har nok levd under ein ganske stor stein dersom du ikkje har fått med deg at Will Smith klaska til Chris Rock på Oscar-utdelinga førre helg. Men kva har eigentleg skjedd sidan? Her får du ei aldri so lita tidsline over det viktigaste som har gått føre seg sidan Smiths fatale fik.
Les merFor den 94 gangen kunne filmverdens største stjerner samles under årets Oscar utdeling, og årets prisutdeling er en man ikke vil glemme med det første. Spenning, glamour, fantastiske antrekk og ikke minst en god dose med dramatikk preget i likhet med de 93 foregående prisutdelingene også årets. Men hva skjedde egentlig under nattens Oscar utdeling?
Les mer27. mars er det endelig årets utdeling av de amerikanske Academy Awards, eller Oscarene. Hvert år er dette en spennende begivenhet å følge med på, der vi får se hvilke filmskapere og -talent juryen har valgt å belønne med den største prisen i bransjen.
Les merFor spillsamfunn verden over har årets første måneder gitt mye å glede seg over av lanseringer, nye debuter og ikke minst utvidelser og spillpakker. Men med de rykende ferske nyhetene om at God of War spillserien til Santa Monica Studios har en glitrende fremtid hos Amazon og Prime Video, kan spillere verden over glede seg stort.
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