27. mars er det endelig årets utdeling av de amerikanske Academy Awards, eller Oscarene. Hvert år er dette en spennende begivenhet å følge med på, der vi får se hvilke filmskapere og -talent juryen har valgt å belønne med den største prisen i bransjen.
Les merLulu Wang’s 2019 “The Farewell” tells a compelling story about the power we have over others and the implications of how we choose to use it. It brings into focus uncomfortable questions about tradition, morality and ultimately about how far we would go for the ones we love.
Les merThe 92nd edition of the Academy Awards took us by surprise. Parasite, Bong Joon-Ho’s masterpiece about social struggle and inequality, received all the acclaim it deserved and swept four major awards. But does this mean that the Academy is going to pay more attention to good and original stories from now on?
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